Doctor Doctor Gimme the News

So last weekend was crazy. I pulled an all-nighter on Friday (for a church center grand opening, of all things), during which some of the people I was with explored the old center that was being demolished and one of UPenn's buildings they forgot to lock. We then got pancakes and red bull for breakfast. I went home and crashed on the couch for a couple hours, got up and walked about 3 miles. I was going to try getting a full night's sleep after that, but two things happened right as I was about to go to bed. First, I saw two mice in our apartment. Before I could do anything, I hear a knock on my door. This really hot Russian girl that lives two doors down from me waned to know if I had a wrench she could borrow for some IKEA furniture. I thought I did (but apparently my roommate took it home for the weekend), so I invited her in and we chatted for a while. I didn't want to mention the mice to my other roommate while she was there, because you know, I wanted to make a good impression on this girl. After she left, I went down to the front desk and filed a maintenance request (Maintenance put a few mouse traps in without telling us earlier this week).

In the morning, even though I should have been exhausted from the last 48 hours, I decided to walk down to the Stadiums (about 8 miles round trip). That's when I first noticed it, I couldn't feel my left middle toe. Yes, that's what this incredibly long backstory is leading to.

At first I thought it was just from my shoes being too tight or something and it would go away in the morning. It didn't. Instead, the same toe on the other foot was numb as well. It worsened over the next few days. I actually mentioned this to a friend, thinking she might know what the cause was. Instead, she just started cracking up. This morning, they felt a little better but still not perfect. I'm thinking I can ignore it if they keep feeling better, but if it doesn't go away in a week I might see a doctor.

I finally decided to google the symptom and see what it could be. In typical WebMD fashion, I learned either it's nothing to worry about or it's nerve damage. I'll choose to ignore it for now.

Sorry I just made you read that. Here's a rare Pepe to make you feel better.


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